10.1 Inch 1024X600 HDMI TFT Display Color TFT LCD Module

نموذج رقم.

حسب الطلب
حسب الطلب

علامة تجارية

حزمة النقل

10.1 بوصة


رمز النظام المنسق


We are TOPWAY, a professional manufacture for industrial LCD Module with many years experience, just as Medical, صوتي, POS, مقياس الطاقة, communications equipment etc.
Our renowned customers include Toshiba Tech, Emerson, GE…إلخ.
We have character (يصل إلى 4 lines X 40), graphic(up to 5.7″/320X240) and TFT colour (3.2″ to 15″) modules.
Our TFT can support many different interfaces such as TTL, MCU, VGA, LVDS, RS232 etc.
You can take a look at our web sites for full products detail.

TFT LCD Module

A TFT LCD has a liquid crystal layer between a glass substrate formed with TFTs and transparent pixel electrodes and another glass substrate with a color filter (RGB) and transparent counter electrodes. Each pixel in an active matrix is paired with a transistor that includes capacitor which gives each sub-pixel the ability to retain its charge, instead of requiring an electrical charge sent each time it needed to be changed. This means that TFT LCD displays are more responsive.

اسم المنتجIndustrial 10.1″ بوصات (TFT LCD module with touch panel)
نموذج رقم.LMT101ENMFWD-ACD
حجم الشاشة10.1بوصة
Number of dots1024 x 600
البعد المخطط التفصيلي(مم)251.0 x 145.0x 20.7(مم)
Active Area(مم)222.72 x 125.28 (مم)
زاوية الرؤية: T/B/L/R50/70/70/70
Dot Pitch(مم)0.2175 x 0.2088 (مم)
Operating Voltage11-26الخامس
Color Depth 16.7م
واجهه المستخدممنفذ HDMI
Touch panelCTP
Operating Temp -20º C~70º C
Storage Temp -30º C~80º C

10.1 Inch 1024X600 HDMI TFT Display Color TFT LCD Module