Factory Directly Sale Industrial Inkjet Printer Batch Code Expiry Date Printer for Food Package Bottle Printer

Brand Name | Somrt (OEM) |
نموذج | X1 |
Language | Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, إنجليزي, كوري (other languages can be customized) |
Input Method | Pinyin, Five-stroke, Handwriting(Other Country Input Method can be installed) |
البعد | 130 (L)*180(دبليو)*140 (ح) units |
Screen size | 2.8 بوصة |
Data Editing | تقنية البلوتوث ,يو اس بي,U-disk |
Gross weight | 2.5كلغ |
Effective print width | 60مم |
Effective printing height | 12.7مم |
Speed of printing | 120pieces/min |
الدقة | 300-600 DPI |
Minimum characters | 0.8مم (English numerals, الصينية 2 mm or more) |
Sprinkler expansion | +3مم |
The number of files stored | 1.Ordinary documents: 100+ 2.Number of segments: 1-15 3.Variable database: (not yet available) |
Free standard accessories | Black cartridge,U-disk,USB data line,charger,Sensor/Foot Switch,power adapter, installation tool |
Basic function
| نص, graphics, production date, valid date, two-dimensional code, bar code, serial number |
Font | default song style, dot matrix, and dot matrix font generation function, self-adjustable point radius, pitch, slope, إلخ. |
Automatic Spray Printing | Production Date, Valid Date, Sequence Number, Count, Batch Number |
Variable data | barcode, two-dimensional code, text, pattern (not yet available) |
Variable data production | رسالة قصيرة, Excel, word, graphics converted into data and imported into equipment by U disk printing (not yet) |
Ink color | أسود, White, أحمر, أزرق ,green and Yellow |
Ink capacity | 45مل |